Thursday, January 29, 2009 9:16 PM
prejudice is not in my dictionary, unless there are super valid reasons to do so. i dun care wad people think.
i just thankful for being me.
Today, I wake up in the morning, I thought to myself, I wanna be Happy despite all the things that happen today. and guess wad~ I am Happy. And I'm happy to be me.
currently listening: Sunset glow - Big Bang
memories brings back happy moments
11:27 AM
just because you are older than me, that doesn't mean you have the authority over me. Don't force me to do something that I don't think it's right. You have no rights to control me and I don't care what you said to me or what you will do to me. I have my own opinion. I have my own life. so back off while you still can cause if you are trying to ruin my life, i can do the same thing like you do. Please introspect yourself, cause you know you are not always right, so stop bossing people with your thoughts. I enjoy living my life just the way i am. If you don't like my attitude or if you are trying to change for something that i think it's wrong, than you're not a good friend at all. Your stubbornness and jealously over my closed friends hurt them but you cannot hurt me cause i know i'm stronger than what you think. My thoughts are as hard as the rock, you cannot change me even if you try to. I will only change for me and me only. I won't change someone who i don't think is worth enough to appear in my life.
currently listening: The way I am - Inggrid Michaelson
memories brings back happy moments
Sunday, January 25, 2009 11:10 PM
If we pass by each other on the street
Act like you didn’t see me and go the way you were walking to...
everyday, i try to wake up with a smile, but things seem difficult to hide. what should I do? I can;t always living under these lies. i'm not ready to tell the truth to people, yet some people are just being too busy body to ask questions, which annoyed me. Can't they stop.. Can't they stop being a fake! can't they stop being caring. I hate all the sympathies and sorry look that people have in their faces. it looks unreal. why can they be real for once. tell me the truth...why must you all pretending....
finally, i am able to stand by myself, i don't need anyone to help me. cause, if i dun try, i never know wad will happen. i never been serious in life, i should maybe start doing soon. i know im 20 already. im an adult. mom keep bragging to find a guy soon, but i dun really care wad happen to my love life. just cause, my heart have been broken alot ya, im just scared to find a new love. the pain will hurt me. wad ever it is, i don't really care....
the big bang's song, haru haru still lingerin in my head....cant stop singing it...just cause, it feels like me. the guy is always better off without me. maybe i just have to be alone. well. i dun care about that either. life still young, i should i just enjoy it. don;'t really expect anything. I do wad i want and I like! Hell care wad people's my LIFE...i dun need people telling me wad to do. that's just make me a fool..
currently listening : haru haru - big bang
memories brings back happy moments
Monday, January 19, 2009 12:30 AM

Happy Birthday to Me!!
Starting today, I'm beginning my journey to the world of 20's. well, everything needs to get more serious. My school, my work, my family, my love-life and obviously my future. Times do pass quickly don't they. right after the year changes 2009, i really enjoy my last 19 days of being a teenager. I thought it was going to be more pressure to be, yet, i managed to handle everything that i don;t really care that much about being 20 anymore. well, as for being 20, one more year, I'll be 21, which means, im no longer underage. great, isnt it!
lots of resolution to be written. it's late, so im too lazy to write. oh well...
night all~
currently listening: Gee - SNSD
memories brings back happy moments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:14 PM
What happens when two best friends meet, they run and hug each other as if there is no tomorrow. well, that is if it's actually happen. but here, let me show u what happend when my best friend and I met, we became a me-2-you bears and then hold each other's hands and show that we both cared about each other. Look at below for the results.

Yesterday morning, i woke up late and my sister had already planned to make inari sushi for our brunch. isnt it sweet of her? hahaha....well, if you can identify which ones are the ones that I made and which are the ones that muffin made. The taste - it's a delish!
Remember my wish list that i list out last months, well, here's wad i have gotten so far. I already gotten my two Nars Blushes that I absolutely adore. I got an early b-dae pressie from mom, which is my new Blackberry Bold and my sister is gonna buy me the polaroid camera. isnt that great. My wishes are almost all came true. I'm just happy. Well, now, im still suck at fiddling with my BB...but see later, i'll play around with it some more....

Currently Listening: Brown Eyed Girls - LOVE
memories brings back happy moments
Thursday, January 8, 2009 5:34 PM
last night, i slept quite late. which is 6 AM lol. and i woke up at 10 AM just because I need to drop my sister form. see...i am a good sister. i have no mood to do anything today. yet, after having breakfast at la brioche...with handara, teph, sylvi and was fun. then when i went home, i checked my mailbox...guess wad i found....
a sweet birthday card
well, the birthday card arrive about 11 days early...hahhaa..but it was ok. it was just so sweet of my darling cupcakes to send me the card....

she wrote me a lovely messages
since both of us are going to turn 20 soon. it is a pretty big step for us and that it is important to share the moment together cause we have grown together.
here's the personalized giftcard.
there's my nickname in as well
oh well, the days are not doing so good with me. when it is at night, i can't sleep but when i sleep, i just dont want to wake up. this shows that i dun wan the time to move quickly.
my mom n sis are coming tomorrow...excited~
memories brings back happy moments
Thursday, January 1, 2009 12:44 PM
Happy New Year 2009!!!
i can't believe last year i was still in chicago, while this year, i was back in madison. It tooks me a year to come back...hahaha...but it was fun. having the last days of the year 2008 in chicago. Cant believe 2008 went by so quick. alot of things have happend i tell you. now i just im enjoying my last year of being 19. isnt it sad, im gonna be 20 soon. Im old~ (i get slap by my friends everytime i tell this)
there are still lots of things to do at home. cleaning them. laundry. tidy my skool stuff. tidy up my wardrobe. cleaning up all the clothes that i dun want anymore~ lots of things. im too lazy to do. hahaha..oh well. anyways
Happy New Year people, wish you have a good year this year~
memories brings back happy moments