Sunday, September 28, 2008 12:49 PM
i went back home from van's house kinda late n talked to papi on the way home, just becoz im scared to walk alone. at least if i talked on the phone there's someone. then at home, he needs to go n we just messages...hahaha..
this morning i had this weird dream. why i said morning, cuz i kinda woke up at 6 something then fell asleep again. ok in this dream, i was like this drawing i was designing something for my company. then my old friend called to come over to his friend's house and help him design something for. since the place was kinda far from home, he said he would provide me with a room to say. ok then i agreed. when i arrived there, i meet my friend, let's call him O, and his other friends. then i unpack in the room that i was going to stay and began to do my job. i was sketching n all. and suddenly this big tall guy, came to me. he looked like a spoiled rich brat. a bit mischievous i must say. he came over me and started to ask me questions. kinda distract my work. O was talking to his boss, who was actually this spoilt brat father. haiz...then he suddenly grabbed my hand and took me to his room. i was like so worried if he's gonna do anything to me, but i kept looking cool. he asked me questions and then suddenly began to get closer to me...trying to put his hand on my shoulder n all, and as he was about to kiss me, a phone ring, i was like...THANK GOD!! his father called him. and i quickly get back to my laptop and all. then he come with him and meet his father. i was like so nervous... his father was nice but not in a good way. he seems like the type of person who is nice when he first meet. but inside, he seems like a stingy horrible guy. i dunno i was just guessing...he asked to eat the lunch provided. and just like his son, he asked me questions. after that he leave... then came along other guy, apparently he is the spoiled brat friend. kinda like his follower....
then after finish eating, he take me to a mall and i saw this weird bakery. i kinda funny i must say. this bakery called french kiss. it is like...a place where the guy just line up to get a number and the girls have to line up to buy the bread and collect a number. whoever has the matching number must kiss. kinda funny seeing a teenage girl shouting a number and a little 10 year old boy showed up. obviously they must kiss...then...KRRRINGGG!!!
ok, i woke up from the stupid dream. it was 11 AM!! haiz...then grab my phone n call papi and woke him. hahahah..he still asleep.
so, after reading, dun u think the dream was kinda bad. i must say it;s bad. i mean i get played by a spoilt rich brat...argh...haiz...
currently listening: nobody-wondergirls
memories brings back happy moments
Friday, September 26, 2008 5:05 PM
I guess i was wrong. next time, i should just shut my mouth and disappear quickly.
memories brings back happy moments
Sunday, September 21, 2008 9:34 AM
Can't believe that weekend is almost over. SHIT! i havent done much on my paper. well, my case study. i did read it like once. kinda get what the story is all about, i hvnt start identifying my 4Cs. ok if u taken marketing class, you'll understand this. I pass my weekend doing a time-consuming research project for my group. glad it was now DONE!! Now, back to business.
Yesterday, i went to friend house and did some karaoke with the amplifier and my laptop. hahaha...kinda lame i know, but i spend like 3 hours singing. kinda loss my voice now. hahaha... and when i got home, I did some singing to my Papi too. cheering him up. I kinda feel upset yesterday, dunno why. but at night, papi called me on the phone and then...he called me on skype. and we video cam like for 5 hours. NUTZ i know. you wonder wad we do??? hahahha...
we video cam for like 2 hours...but then...we ended up sleeping n did not turn off the webcam. The whole night he kept refusing to leave, while kept refusing to sleep and continue singing. oh well, lucky he was patient enough to hear them. The webcam was eventually turn off, cuz papi left for LA at 4.30 sooo...which means he need to wake up in 3 hours. hahaha...he kept asking me to sleep, he wants to company sleeping and guess wad. HE SLEPT FIrst. hahahhaa.. then we're both kinda sleep. sleeping face sux, i wonder if he saw it. IT'S GONNA BE SO TERRIBLE. PLUS. MY FACE BEFORE SLEEPING WAS SUX TOO.
oh well, i better get out of this bed RIGHT NOW. HAD A SHOWER, WASH M
Y HAIR...then breakfast n start doing the paper. if not, my REAL DADDY will kill me if he found out. muff, if u read this, KEEP YOUR MOUTH HUSH HUSH!!
P.S. I MISS MY CUPCAKE TOO. didnt get to talk to her that much >.<
currently listening: I will fly - Ten 2 five
P.s Papi just called me. He has arrived safely at LA. he seemed a bit tired though. I think as soon as he got out of the plane, he called me. WHAT A CARING PAPI!
memories brings back happy moments
Friday, September 19, 2008 12:13 AM
Sometimes in life, you don't know where to go:right or left. just like wad my marketing senior told me, "how do humans turn right or left direction, i mean, their feet are straight." get to he mean? i don't hahaha...he told me this because he was out of his mind because of his paper. oh well, good luck to him.
I started my w
eek pretty badly. sleep only like 4/5 hours and woke up early and went
to class like a half-dead person. too exhausted. my cure... songs th
at my "papi" serenaded to me. our favouri
te, both of our national song : I'm yours by Jason Mraz. At first, i dislike the song, now, I ca
nt get it off my mind. when i was walking down the street, i found myself mumbling those
lyrics....argh! this is bad.
But my "papi" is so nice, but can be very strict sometimes. to
me personally, He's just like my own real dad. My real dad also pay alot of attention to me
. keeping me company whenever im alone. and helping me wh
en i have difficulties. keeping me positive when im done. pay so much attention to m
y health. that's my dad and my papi. so similar. makes me happy.
Finally, i get to pass the week with perf
ectly relax mind. after having my father serenading to m
e for days, i was able to my stuff, finish them, and still have time to chat with him. i mean. he doesn
;t mind im doing stuff and he sings. hahaha..that's wad i was supposed to do. i wish it can be lik
e that everyday. but impossible. cuz he's gonna start skool. gonna be busy too. cannot keep
me company all the time.
To cheer my papi, i decided to give him this while i was webcaming with him. this shows that i care about him too as much as he care about me. WE LIKE TO KEEP EACH OTHER HAPPY!! maybe our motto: Hakuna Matata!!oh well, my papi is now cleaing the car and im still blogging. he;s gonna get mad if he found out im still awake. arhg! doomed!!!
currently listening: FT.Island - Love SIck (i'm in love with the lyrics and the voice of the vocalist)
memories brings back happy moments
Sunday, September 14, 2008 1:59 AM
so guess wad, i kinda decided to make another mainly focus on LOVE. hehehe..cuz you know i feel that this blog too complied with all the other problems, so i think i should separate the love problem to another blog. to make it really nice and concrete. i'm kinda deciding whether im going to make a love story or wad. well, here's the the add:
OK, wad happend today, it pretty tiring. the MM meeting, i have to prepare from morning. then i have an early meeting and a big meeting. when i got home. im too exhausted that i simply couldnt think. argh! wad to do?? i have a paper due. im DOOMed!
Just wanna say thank you for my friend, for serenading. i never have someone serenade me a song before. we comfort each other and whenever you need someone, you always have me to count on. ^^
currently listening: I'm your - Jason Mraz
memories brings back happy moments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 11:03 PM
Sometimes, I wonder what will happen to our family if Opa Hendro was still around. I mean, from what i know, he a good-looking man who my oma told me was nice. My dad told me was strict but he was obviously has a big heart as he cared a lot to everyone. I know one thing that I inherited from my grandpa. My flat feet. I know i don;t like it sometime, but i dun hate it. i might be one of my weakness as i can't walk that long or run that fast, i can still make a living. i mean there things that i can still do.
It was sweet to know how my grandparents meet. and plus they got married when they r young. 22 i think. ok which mean 3 more years, i can get married. hahaha...funny joke. even people mistaken sebbie as my son. Ok...that's weird. but anyway, i really like kids. and i know how to take of them. well, kinda of. cuz when sebbie was at our house, i was the one taking care of him. giving him bath, putting him to bed, feeding him food. except for cleaning his butt after he poops. i cannot do that yet. still cant' stand the smell. other than that. i was able to do them myself. i was enjoyable. being like a practice mommy. hahaha...no2 im still young, i do wanna have fun still.
great love stories happend to my grandparents - teaching together at school. while parents - meeting at the kos. kinda simple and sweet. well, what about mine? i know i like to imagine things...but it's not a sin to do that is it? well, i just imagining them...some simple n romantic moment that can melt my hard. weird thing is ppl ask me to help with their love problem, when me personally can even help mine. ok. i am still single and never had a boyfriend. i hv guy friends, who i am closed to, but not more than that...
i guess i was just dreaming too much...

Currently listening: Lucky -Jason Mraz
Credit: Eltasia@deviantart
memories brings back happy moments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 9:55 PM
Yo, pepz! i'm back. back to madison. back to my daily routine life.Ok, i know this blog has been absent for like a mont
h and a half i guess. but i think there wasn;t much to talk about.
ok. back from indo, i hvnt registered to anyclass. nuts, i know. but i had a problem before that i need to figure out. oh well, the important thing is that i am back and i got all my class registered right before the end date. but despite getting the class. the schedule was a total mess and the assignment are tremendously many. i think this semester is going to be hectic.
ok. before i was writing this. i was thinking about something. some silly girl stuff. i dunno. maybe it was just me. the thing i have in mind was that. HAVE YOU EVER HAVE THE FEELING THAT SOMEONE WILL SUDDENLY GRAB AND HOLD YOUR HAND, BUT ACTUALLY THEY DIDN'T. actually i was thinking what if that happend to me. well it's not i nver experienced it before. well, i did. i remembered it clearly. We were watching SWAT(not a romantic movie) at TA, and the guy tried to touch my hand, saying "Your hand is cold, let me war
m it for you" and he did. it was nice and warm. but he didnt let go of my hand even until the end of the movie. the guy keep holding my hand until he drove me home. ok. let me tell you first. this guy was not my boyfriend. he was just a guy who became close with me for several months. not more than that. we never officially date. just went out once and hours of talking on the phone. ok.. that was 5 years ago. i don't really remember the exact feeling. but it will be nice if it happens again. you, a guy, you like, suddenly grab your hand. you will feel that there is someone to hold on to.
Well, my parents always tell me. dont really t
oo much at someone. so i did tried to overcome my problems by myself most of the time. but it wasnt easy. in fact, i got lost on my way and i felt like it was at the end of the world. you know i dun like relying on other people cuz it may look like im a brat. you know "manja" and i hate being told like that. but someone told me. well, a good friend of mine, told me that it's ok to rely on people because that's what's friend are for. oh well, still don't do the relying thing too much. you know...i cannot really trust people alot....but i'll get help when i needed. ya i guess that similar too.
my current gadgets
currently listening: I kissed a girl - Katy Pery
memories brings back happy moments